femdom rules

The weakness of males is lust for the superior sex. Females have more control of their sexuality and also of their males. My wife/Mistress has tamed me with the use of feminine underware. She recently took me into a shop on the pretence of buying socks for herself. She led me to a counter comprising of packs of panties. "Choose some" she commanded. I was afraid that she might be overheard and quickly selected a pack of pink panties. "Now take them to the till and pay for them" she laughed. I was shaking with humiliation and lust. She left the shop. Red in the face and visibly shaking I paid the smilling woman at the till. On leaving the shop my wife was waiting outside laughing. My penis was as big as it ever gets (not very big), as she led me down the street. We reached a park where their were lots of people and ordered me to remove my purchase from the bag. Looking at them she said in a loud voice "they will suit you". We returned to our vehicle ( a campervan) telling me to put on a pair of the panties. I obeyed, totally humiliated. She pulled back the curtains in the van and made me masturbate in sight of people returning to their cars. I don't think anyone saw, but I can't be sure. This is a true story. I have been subjected to all of the torments pictured and I think will eventually lead to transformation into a shemale as pictured !

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